I look forward to the day the next podcast comes out, and I love how every single episode is just as well thought out and thought provoking as the last. I'll have a swig of cheerwine in your names.
- ASimpleFish
I retain more solid facts and information from this show than my best AP teachers in high school and textbooks- and I’m NOT actually a great auditory learner! The context and delivery in consumable chunks is everything. And they do it so well. Even topics I’m not 100% sold on initially quickly gain traction.
- Bearmcgyver
I’ve come to podcasts late in the game and have reaped all the benefits. No Dumb Questions is a gem. Beautiful, humorous dialogue between two thoughtful men, enjoyable topics ranging the gamut. The audio is crisp and professional. I love the hosts and their guests alike. I knew and admired Destin going into it but have really come to delight in Matt too. Would host them both in my home, even. After all, I treasure hosting them in my ears.
- McShawnalds
I listen to this podcast in all of my spare time, during chores, downtime, driving etc. I learn new things and enjoy just hearing thought provoking subjects in every since episode. I am not remotely religious but I super enjoy learning more about it. So many fun topics and genres all wrapped up in one podcast. Thank you Matt and Destin for the continued fun learning experience.
- NinjaBookReader
Each episode is a blend of fun conversation between two friends, good conversation topics, and stimulating thoughts about each topic. Each episode is engaging and gives opportunity for thought that may differ from your own. Their discussions make me think differently and entertain me as well. They make an obvious effort to make varying views welcome on their show without compromising their own. Always enjoyable.
- Lernin
Love what this whole podcast is about! Thank you for many hours of entertainment and giving me the feeling of being part of the conversations! I’ve listened to all of the episodes and was happy to read and be a part of the Getting to yes episode.
- Ryan Slinky